How does RC Trader work?

RC Trader is a classified listing website that brings buyers and sellers together.

You must be registered to view a seller's contact details and to add listings. 

To sell, registered users place listing for items they want to sell (or buy in the case of wanted listings). Here are some suggestions on what makes a good listing

To buy an item or ask a question about an item, a registered user contacts a seller directly about the item listed, either by using the phone details they have provided in the listing or using the RCT email form to contact the seller. (NOTE - you must be logged in to see the contact details contained in each listing).

All transactions are conducted directly between the buyer and seller. RC Trader does not have any involvement with the transaction itself other than to provide the vehicle for the listing. 

For informtion on how to improve your safety when buying or selling, please view these suggestions.

To register, click here.

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