When you see a listing with a label next to the price tag that say's "Request to Purchase" (see below) you have the ability to ask the seller to sell the item to you. Once the request has been sent, it will appear in the seller's "Selling Dashboard". If the request is accepted, you will be sent a payment request. Once you complete payment, the item MUST be shipped to you. Only once you receive the item, will your funds be released to the seller. If the item doesn't arrive or doesn't arrive as described, you have the ability to dispute the sale. *Read here for Dispute Resolution.
Here is the flow to make a Purchase Request:
Step 1 - You see an item that you want to purchase so you click the "Request to Purchase" button:
Step 2 - You'll see a message that reminds you that you are about to enter into a Secure Escrow Transaction (click continue):
Step 3 - Enter your Credit Card details:
*Note - All credit card details are processed by encrypted tokenization via our payment provide Stripe. For more information on Stripe, please click here. If you don't want to read too much about them, then just know they are a secure payment gateway used by the following businesses. On top of this, RCTrader.com is hosted on a PCI compliant cloud server. NO PAYMENT DETAILS ARE STORED IN RCTRADER.
Step 4 - Once you have submitted payment, you will see a screen that says:
Congrats, now site back and wait for your goods to arrive :)
Step 5 - When your goods are shipped, you will see the status of the item change in your Buyers Dashboard. It will look like this:
Step 6 - Once the item is received, please mark the transaction as complete by clicking the blue tick box. When you click this box a confirmation pop-up will appear that looks like this:
*Note - Only click "Confirm" if the goods have arrived and the item is in the same condition as described in the listing. Once you confirm, the funds are automatically sent to the Seller. After this step, RCTrader is unable to assist in the transaction and cannot help with disputes.