How to sell an item using the Escrow System?

To sell an item using the Escrow system, you must first register to use the Escrow system. To register click here.

The reason you need to register first is to ensure that we have all of your payment details so that we can pay out your funds as soon as the goods arrive at the buyer's destination.

To list an item for sale, please follow these easy steps:

Step 1 - Make sure you are registered. If you aren't sure, click this link.

Click on the "Selling" tab and if you see a page like this (image below) you are registered to use the Escrow System on

Step 2 - Assuming you have registered, the next step is to create a new listing.

Step 3 - Select Listing Category

Step 4 - Select Product Category

Step 5 - Fill in the relevant product information. More info on creating listing information is here. It is a good idea to include a reasonable shipping fee so that this doesn't need to be negotiated down the track.

Step 6 - Upload any videos or images of the product being sold.

Step 7 - Select any Extras that you wish to use to highlight your listing i.e. Featured Listing and/or Bold Title.

Step 8 - Complete the Checkout

Step 9 - Your listing will be published after it has been reviewed by a site admin. Approvals normally happen twice a day 365 days per year.

Step 10 - Once your listing has been published, it will display with two extra features in the listing. First, a label will be applied to your account stating that you are"Escrow Enabled" and secondly, a button will appear next to your listing saying "Make an Offer". See image below:

Step 11 - When you receive a request to purchase the item, you will receive an email like this:

Step 12 - Once you have approved the request, the buyer is prompted to make payment. Once the payment is made you will recieve an email confirming that the funds have been received into Escrow and are being held until the buyer receives the item. The email looks like this:

Step 13 - By logging into your Account section you will see the funds that are being held from the sale of your goods. The Dashboard will look like this:

*tip - make sure you've selected the "Selling" tab at the top of the Dashboard.

This Dashboard will now allow you to mark the item as shipped. Once this is done, the process is complete and you will see a screen like this:

Step 14 - 

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